- Title: Baking gets political in Brazil with 'Bolsonaro out' cookies
- Date: 17th July 2021
- Summary: ARARAQUARA, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL (JULY 16, 2021) (REUTERS) BAKED COOKIES WITH MESSAGE READING: (Portuguese) "BOLSONARO OUT" VARIOUS OF COOKIES ARE BEING PREPARED (SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) BAKER OF 'BOLSONARO OUT' COOKIES, RAISSA ACCARINI, SAYING: "I started doing it (cookies) as a joke, as a present for my friends. There was a photo of these biscuits on the internet, someone had made a mould (for the cookies), I bought it, I didn't have any intentions. I started to share my cookies and many people started to ask for them. And that is how I started to sell them." VARIOUS OF ACCARINI PREPARING COOKIES (SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) BAKER OF 'BOLSONARO OUT' COOKIES, RAISSA ACCARINI, SAYING: "People aren't worried about the taste, they care more about their message. And that is why people buy them. It could have any taste and people would continue to buy them." VARIOUS OF COOKIES BEING PUT IN BAG COOKIES IN BAGS FOR DELIVERY COOKIES BEING DELIVERED ACCARINI DELIVERING COOKIES TO CLIENT VARIOUS OF CLIENT EATING COOKIES (SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) BUYER OF 'BOLSONARO OUT' COOKIES, RAINER RAMOS, SAYING: "This was a way I found to support this protest against this government that does nothing for the people. And the biscuit is good, there's a taste of impeachment. I'm going to try them." SAO PAULO, BRAZIL (JULY 17, 2021) (REUTERS) BOLSONARO SUPPORTER WALKING ON STREET BANNER AT TENT PROTEST IN SUPPORT OF GOVERNMENT THAT READS: (English) "MILITARY INTERVENTION NOW WITH BOLSONARO IN POWER. NEW FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, CRIMINALISATION OF COMMUNISM" BOLSONARO SUPPORTER DISAGREEING WITH COOKIE SUPPORTER OPENING UP BAG OF COOKIES SUPPORTER TRYING COOKIES (SOUNDBITE) (Portuguese) BOLSONARO SUPPORTER ON COOKIES, MONICA VAN ATZINGEN, SAYING: "I respect her (baker of cookies), it's cute. But what should be written here could be Bolsonaro 2022. That would be more useful."
- Embargoed: 31st July 2021 20:20
- Keywords: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro cookies protest
- Country: Brazil
- Topics: South America / Central America,Government/Politics,Editors' Choice
- Reuters ID: LVA001EM892DJ
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text: The way to someone's heart is through their stomach, and the Brazilian baker of 'Bolsonaro out' cookies is doing her bit to drive popular opinion against the country's president.
Raissa Accarini produces hundreds of these protest cookies in Sao Paulo state on a daily basis since they went viral. It all started as a joke when Accarini started baking batches for friends.
The cookies are part of a popular effort to impeach President Jair Bolsonaro. With over 500,000 COVID-19 deaths and accusations that the government botched up its handling of the pandemic, many want the president out of power.
But the popularity of these cookies runs down political lines, with Bolsonaro's detractors and supporters having different opinions on their message.
(Production: Pablo Garcia, Paul Vieira) - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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