- Title: Alexandria inagurates first public beach for people with disabilities
- Date: 20th July 2021
- Summary: ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT (JULY 17, 2021) (REUTERS) VIEW OF RAMP AT DISABILITIES-FRIENDLY PUBLIC BEACH YOUNG BOY IN WHEELCHAIR BEING PUSHED ON BEACH VARIOUS OF BOY AND GIRL IN WHEELCHAIRS BEING PUSHED TO SHORE VARIOUS OF PEOPLE SWIMMING VARIOUS OF FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE SERVING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, RAGAB GAWDA, USING CANES TO WALK ON RAMP LEADING TO SEA PEOPLE SWIMMING IN SEA / GAWDA LOOKING ON SEA (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF PEOPLE SERVING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, RAGAB GAWDA, SAYING: "We are happy. We now have our own beach for those with disabilities in Alexandria. This is the first beach (of its kind) in the republic. Of course, it was the idea of the Association in 2017. We used to look out to the sea from the sidewalk, we couldn't swim or enjoy the water. Now we are like everyone else, in everything. We don't need or ask for help from anyone. We make it to the beach with our wheelchairs and canes, and enjoy the water. At first, we used to look at it. Like anyone passing by, we used to feel like we weren't part of this country." CHILDREN IN WHEELCHAIRS ON RAMP LEADING TO WATER YOUNG GIRL SMILING IN WHEELCHAIR GIRL AND WOMAN IN WHEELCHAIRS PEOPLE SWIMMING / BOY IN WHEELCHAIR WOMAN AND CHILDREN IN WHEELCHAIR VARIOUS OF ALEXANDRIA GOVERNOR, SPEAKING TO CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES VARIOUS OF PEOPLE SWIMMING (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) ALEXANDRIA GOVERNOR, MOHAMED EL-SHERIF, SAYING: "In three or four days, we will get a barrier that we place in the sea, so that the people with disabilities can swim while being surrounded by it and they can be in the water, without putting their lives in danger." PEOPLE SITTING ON BEACH CHILD SMILING BOY IN WHEELCHAIR FAMILY SITTING ON BEACH BOY SMILING VARIOUS OF WOMAN IN WHEELCHAIR LOOKING OUT AT SEA VARIOUS OF PEOPLE SWIMMING (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) HEAD OF ALEXANDRIA CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION FOR TOURISM, GAMAL RASHAD, SAYING: "The governor instructed us to set up the beach, beach number 2, for free, with part of it established for people with disabilities, in al-Agamy. We received the instructions today and will begin working on it, in addition to another beach, beach number 3, in the Anfushi area. So now we will have a beach in the far east, and another in the far west, in al-Agamy, and third one in Anfushi. With this initiative we are encouraging beach tourism. We are specifically targeting those with disabilities. Hopefully they come from all over the world and rate their experience. Egypt will be a leader and Alexandria will be a leader in this experience, God willing." VARIOUS OF CHILDREN IN WHEELCHAIRS LOOKING OUT AT SEA VARIOUS OF BOY WITH DISABILITY, ABDELRAHMAN MOHAMED, SWIMMING WITH FLOATERS (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) BOY WITH DISABILITY, ABDELRAHMAN MOHAMED, SAYING: "I am very happy that they designed a beach just for us. At first, I couldn't swim, but now I don't need help from my father or anyone else. I don't need help from anyone." VARIOUS OF PEOPLE SWIMMING GAWDA WALKING ON BEACH RAMP
- Embargoed: 3rd August 2021 10:34
- Keywords: Alexandria Egypt People With Disabilities Public Beach
- Country: Egypt
- Topics: Living/Lifestyle,Middle East,Society/Social Issues
- Reuters ID: LVA001EMNAO9H
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text: When teenager Abdelrahman Mohamed would go to the beach in his coastal city of Alexandria, he would have to stay by the sidewalk, watching other children swim from the confines of his wheelchair.
Today, as the governorate inaugurated its first disability-friendly beach, he can push his wheelchair down a platform, receive assistance from aid workers, and use floaters to swim in the water.
The initiative is part of a wider campaign to make several beaches in Egypt's Alexandria open to people with disabilities.
Called al-Mondara, the beach is around 230 metres long and a third of it has been allocated for people with disabilities.
The beach is equipped with a wooden platform that extends all the way to the water, aid workers that assist visitors, special chairs, and a rescue team with an ambulance on standby.
"We used to look at the sea from the sidewalk, we couldn't swim or enjoy the water," said Ragab Gawda, founder and president of the Association of People Serving People with Disabilities. "Now we are like everyone else," he added.
The initiative is also meant to encourage inclusivity, making public venues more accessible to everyone.
"At first, I couldn't swim, but now I don't need help from my father or anyone else," said Mohamed, overjoyed by the opportunity to swim freely.
(Production: Mohamed Zaki, Sayed Sheasha, Nadeen Ebrahim) - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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