- Title: MOMENTS: Vladimir Putin's time in office - macho man to sensitive animal lover
- Date: 3rd May 2022
- Summary: Russian President Vladimir Putin visited oceanarium on the Russky island in the Russia's Far East on Sunday (September 1, 2013). The oceanarium, still under construction, welcomed the president with dolphin's show. Putin liked it so much that afterwards he fed the "artists" - two dolphins -with fresh fish. VLADIVOSTOK, RUSSIA (FILE - SEPTEMBER 2013) (ORIGINALLY 4:3) (RUSSIAN POOL) WARNING: CONTAINS FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN FEEDS FISH TO DOLPHINS AT OCEANARIUM ON RUSSKY ISLAND DOLPHIN PERFORMING PUTIN AND OFFICIALS WATCHING MEDIA PUTIN 'SHAKING HANDS" WITH WALRUS
- Embargoed: 17th May 2022 05:05
- Keywords: Judo Russia Vladimir Putin bare-chested image leader macho man president stunts wildlife conservation
- Country: Russia
- Topics: Europe,Government/Politics
- Reuters ID: LVA004854001011970RP1
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text: Russian President Vladimir Putin, 69, has sought to project the image of a healthy, outdoorsman with a strong interest in wildlife conservation during his 22 years as president or prime minister.
He has shot a tiger with a tranquilizer gun, hit a grey whale with a crossbow bolt to collect skin samples, and donned a baggy white jumpsuit to fly a motorized delta plane surrounded by cranes to help introduce them into the wild.
Critics dismiss such activities as public relations exercises and Putin has acknowledged some of the stunts have been carefully staged, but has said they were worthwhile because they drew attention to conservation projects.
Putin has carefully cultivated a macho image which has become a sense of pride for many Russians. He has been pictured riding a horse bare-chested and wearing sun glasses, as well as carrying a hunting rifle and piloting a jet.
He is also well known for playing ice hockey and is a Judo black-belt, a sport he began to take lessons in when he was a boy, but in 2022 he was removed from all positions in the International Judo Federation (IJF) by the sport's governing body in a rebuke following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
(Production: Vanessa Romeo) - Copyright Holder: POOL (CAN SELL)
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