- Title: Speed of lava bubbling from Hawaii's rumbling Mauna Loa eases
- Date: 6th December 2022
- Summary: MAUNA LOA, HAWAII, UNITED STATES (DECEMBER 5, 2022) (REUTERS) (SOUNDBITE) (English) RESEARCH GEOLOGIST AT THE USGS HAWAIIAN VOLCANO OBSERVATORY, NATALIA DELIGNE, SAYING: "Initially the lava was going down the steep slopes so the lava was flowing faster. But now that it's reached this flat area it's slowed down, it's widening, it's thickening. It's advancing right now at about 12 meters per hour, so that's about 40 feet per hour, and we are monitoring it closely." MAUNA LOA, HAWAII, UNITED STATES (DECEMBER 5, 2022) (REUTERS) (MUTE) TIME LAPSE OF SITE OF VOLCANO WITH SMOKE AND LAVA FLOW FROM CRATER
- Embargoed: 20th December 2022 05:03
- Keywords: Hawaii Mauna Loa eruption flow geologist lava volcano
- Country: US
- Topics: Disaster/Accidents,North America,Earthquakes/Volcanoes/Tsunami
- Reuters ID: LVA003468706122022RP1
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text: The speed of lava flowing from Hawaii's rumbling Mauna Loa has eased, a geologist at the site of the volcano reported on Monday (December 5).
Video from Reuters and the United States Geological Survey on Monday captured constant flows of lava from Mauna Loa overnight and through to day.
The eruption began on Sunday Nov. 27 at about 11.30 p.m. local time, according to the USGS. It ended the longest period of quiet in the volcano's recorded history. It previously erupted in March and April of 1984.
Officials are at the site to monitor activity at the volcano. They have reported the eruption does not pose any threat to property, though unpleasant volcanic gases and fine ash may drift downslope.
Mauna Loa rises 13,679 feet (4,169 meters) above the Pacific Ocean and is part of a chain of volcanoes that formed the islands of Hawaii.
(Production: Paul Vieira) - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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