- Title: Putin says risks of nuclear war are on the rise
- Date: 7th December 2022
- Summary: MOSCOW, RUSSIA (DECEMBER 7, 2022) (Russian pool) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN SPEAKING VIA VIDEO LINK AT SESSION OF RUSSIA'S HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL (SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT, VLADIMIR PUTIN, SAYING: "Such a risk (of nuclear war) is on the rise. Regarding Russia not going to use it (nuclear weapons) first under any circumstances, well, if it doesn’t use it first, under any circumstances, it would mean that it would neither use it second because our capabilities, in case of a nuclear strike on our territory, would be very limited.†PUTIN LISTENING TO SPEAKER ON SPLIT SCREEN (SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT, VLADIMIR PUTIN, SAYING: "The American nuclear weapons in large numbers are located on the European territory. We don't give our nuclear weapons to anybody and we are not going to, but, of course we will defend our allies with all available means, if we need to." PUTIN SPEAKING TO COUNCIL MEMBERS ON SPLIT-SCREEN (SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT, VLADIMIR PUTIN, SAYING: "We don't deploy our nuclear weapons, including tactical nuclear weapons, in other countries, but the Americans do - in Turkey, in a number of other countries in Europe." PUTIN LISTENING TO SPEAKER ON SPLIT SCREEN (SOUNDBITE) (Russian) RUSSIAN PRESIDENT, VLADIMIR PUTIN, SAYING: "We haven't gone mad, we understand what nuclear weapons are. We have these means and they are more advanced and modern that in any other nuclear country, this is obvious today, it's a fact. But we are not going to swing it like a razor running around the world, but, of course, we proceed from the fact that we have got it." PUTIN AT TABLE SPEAKING TO COUNCIL MEMBERS
- Embargoed: 21st December 2022 16:44
- Keywords: Putin Ukraine crisis nuclear
- Location: MOSCOW, RUSSIA
- Country: Russia
- Topics: Defence,Europe,Government/Politics
- Reuters ID: LVA001514607122022RP1
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text:President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday (December 7) that the risk of a nuclear war was rising, but insisted Russia had not "gone mad" and that it saw its own nuclear arsenal as a purely defensive deterrent.
Nevertheless, Putin said Russia would defend its territory and its allies "with all available means," adding that it was the United States, not Russia, that had deployed so-called "tactical" nuclear weapons in other countries. - Copyright Holder: POOL (CAN SELL)
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