- Title: 'I still get angry' - Obama on 10 years since Sandy Hook
- Date: 7th December 2022
- Summary: NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES (DECEMBER 6, 2022) (REUTERS) SANDY HOOK PROMISE CO-FOUNDERS, MARK BARDEN AND INTRODUCING FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT, BARACK OBAMA, TO SPEAK AT SANDY HOOK 10-YEAR REMEMBRANCE BENEFIT BENEFIT ONGOING (SOUNDBITE) (English) FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT, BARACK OBAMA, SAYING: "So I will admit it. I still get angry. Every time I read about the latest senseless shooting, whether it is in a church or synagogue, in a grocery store or on a college campus or in a home or on a city street. I still feel anger. And I hope you do, too. This is a celebration of extraordinary work by extraordinary people. But we should still feel some sense of outrage. The good news is that of late, I've sensed that slowly, steadily, the tide may be turning. That we're not just condemned to repeat the mistakes of the past and that real change is possible. And I feel that way in no small part because of the people in this room. Because of what the families of Sandy Hook have accomplished."
- Embargoed: 21st December 2022 04:05
- Keywords: Mark Barden Sandy Hook Promise Sandy Hool shooting Ziegfeld Theatre gun violence
- Country: US
- Topics: Crime/Law/Justice,North America
- Reuters ID: LVA001494806122022RP1
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text: Former U.S. President Barack Obama joined a New York stage Tuesday (December 6) to revisit the "most bitter disappointment" of his presidency - the shootings at the Sandy Hook elementary school.
Specifically, Obama was referring to the lack of change in gun policy in the United States following the shooting at Connecticut elementary school a decade ago.
In his speech, Obama also spoke about how the "tide may be turning" for gun control in the U.S., thanks in part to the activists he was honoring. The former president was participating in a benefit run by the Sandy Hook Promise organization to mark the decade that has passed since on the most memorable acts of gun violence in U.S. history.
According to the Connecticut-based outfit, they have been able to prevent 11 shootings they know of, thanks to programming in which more than 18 million children have participated in.
The programming equips and encourages children to be outspoken advocates, or "upstanders," to both reach out to isolated peers and report troubled ones.
(Production by: Doug Higginbotham and Dan Fastenberg) - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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