- Title: Argentina's Catholic faithful pray for Pope Francis's health
- Date: 29th March 2023
- Summary: (SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) PARISHIONER, DANIEL SACO, SAYING: "He (Pope Francis) must ask himself whether he can continue (as pope). He must be praying and asking the whole Catholic world to pray for him. He always says, 'pray for me.' He must be open to what in his conscience God dictates to him." VARIOUS OF BANNER WITH PHOTOS OF POPE FRANCIS AT THE ENTRANCE OF BUENOS AIRES CATHEDRAL VARIOUS OF PEOPLE PRAYING (SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) PARISHIONER AND BRAZILIAN TOURIST, VICTORIA VIEIRA, SAYING: "It is very sad because, as a Latin American, I feel represented by this Pope, who is very open-minded and human. I am from Brazil, not Argentina, but it is like an extension of my home, so I have always felt significantly represented by this Pope, very welcome. So this news is like if a relative or a grandparent is ill. Very sad. I don't know what to say. I'm shocked now." MASS IN PROGRESS PRIEST CELEBRATING MASS WOMAN PRAYING (SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) PARISHIONER, ANIBAL PIZZELLA, SAYING: "I met him (Pope Francis) in this very place when he was the bishop of Buenos Aires. I greeted him a couple of times. I am optimistic because I know that he is a very strong person, physically and mentally strong. He is a person with enormous faith, so I am very optimistic. I think he's going to be fine." STATUE OF THE VIRGIN MARY ON THE ALTAR PEOPLE PRAYING
- Embargoed: 12th April 2023 23:30
- Keywords: Argentina Buenos Aires Pope Francis catholic health parishioners
- Country: Argentina
- Topics: South America / Central America,Religion/Belief,Society/Social Issues
- Reuters ID: LVA003136329032023RP1
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text:The Catholic community in Buenos Aires on Wednesday (March 29) expressed their concern for the health of Pope Francis, who has a respiratory infection and will need to spend "a few days" in hospital for treatment.
Brazilian tourist Victoria Vieira said she was saddened to hear of the Pope's hospitalisation.
"I have always felt significantly represented by this Pope, very welcome. So this news is like if a relative or a grandparent is ill. Very sad," Vieira said as she left the mass.
Parishioner Anibal Pizzella said he was optimistic about the Pope's health and that he would soon recover from his illness.
"He is a very strong person, physically and mentally strong. He is a person with enormous faith, so I am very optimistic. I think he's going to be fine," Pizzella said.
The Vatican said on Wednesday that the pontiff was taken to Rome's Gemelli hospital after complaining of breathing difficulties over the past few days. It added that tests showed he had the infection but did not have COVID-19.
(Production: Horacio Soria, Juan Bustamante, Liamar Ramos) - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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