- Title: Activists rally in Arizona ahead of lawmakers' vote to repeal abortion ban
- Date: 17th April 2024
- Summary: PHOENIX, ARIZONA, UNITED STATES (APRIL 17, 2024) (REUTERS) PEOPLE WAITING IN LINE TO ENTER THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AT THE ARIZONA STATE CAPITOL PRO-LIFE PROTEST SIGNS ON GRASS / PEOPLE IN LINE TO ENTER THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ABRA SINGLETON, SOUTHWEST REGIONAL DIRECTOR FOR THE CENTER FOR BIO-ETHICAL REFORM, HOLDING SIGN THAT READS ‘9 AND 10 WEEK CHILDREN KILLED IN ABORTIONS’ FETUS HANDS ON A UNITED STATES QUARTER COIN (SOUNDBITE) (English) ABRA SINGLETON, SOUTHWEST REGIONAL DIRECTOR FOR THE CENTER FOR BIO-ETHICAL REFORM, SAYING: “And as far as today, we stand by the Supreme Court of Arizona. From what I understand of the law, from what I read, it only makes exceptions for the life of the mother, which we agree with and it only talks about imprisoning abortionists, not the women, which we agree with. And so we’re just here to show our support and be with fellow pro-lifers.” WOMAN HOLDING PRO-LIFE SIGN ‘ROE V. WADE 1973-2022’ SHIRT PEOPLE HOLDING PRO-LIFE SIGNS ‘I AM A PERSON’ PRO-LIFE SHIRT SIGN SHOWING A FETUS (SOUNDBITE) (English) CHRIS LOVE, SPOKESPERSON FOR ARIZONA FOR ABORTION ACCESS, SAYING: "You know, we at Arizona For Abortion Access believe that one day without abortion in Arizona is a day too many. And so, you know, we’re looking to see what’s going to happen in the capitol today. I’m not sure but you know, anything short of a full repeal of the 1864 ban will definitely be a disappointment to us, especially given some of the, you know, some of the backpedaling that some of our legislators, legislators have done recently regarding this 1864 ban." VARIOUS OF MAN HOLDING SIGN THAT READS ’22 WEEK CHILD KILLED IN AN ABORTION’ (SOUNDBITE) (English) CHRIS LOVE, SPOKESPERSON FOR ARIZONA FOR ABORTION ACCESS, SAYING: “You know I’m - devastated is an understatement that in 2024 our Supreme Court here in Arizona would uphold a pre civil war era ban from 1864. That’s before women could vote. My ancestors were probably slaves at that point in time. It makes absolutely no sense and it’s out of step with what Arizona voters want.” PRO-LIFE PROTESTORS HOLDING SIGNS IN FRONT OF THE ARIZONA STATE CAPITOL
- Embargoed: 1st May 2024 21:06
- Keywords: Abortion Arizona State Capitol Arizona abortion abortion repeal
- Country: US
- Topics: Lawmaking,North America,Government/Politics
- Reuters ID: LVA001603217042024RP1
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text: Abortion activists gathered in front of the Arizona State Capitol on Wednesday (April 17), ahead of an attempt by Democrats in the Arizona House of Representatives to repeal an 1864 ban on abortion that is poised to become state law once again.
In four votes, the chamber deadlocked 30-30 on a motion that would allow a repeal bill to come to the floor, with one Republican joining the 29 Democrats. The chamber went into recess after the fourth vote and was due to reconvene later in the day to possibly try again, leaving the final outcome in suspense.
If the repeal passes in the House, Democrats also would need help in the Senate, where Republicans hold a 16-14 edge.
A state Supreme Court ruling on April 9 revived a ban on nearly all abortions under a law written during the U.S. Civil War when Arizona was not yet a state and women lacked the right to vote.
The law, which would take effect within 60 days, imposes a sentence of two to five years for anyone found guilty of inducing an abortion except for a doctor who deems it necessary to save the life of the mother.
Arizona House Democrats sought to repeal the ban a week ago, but were thwarted by the narrow Republican majority of 31-29. On Wednesday, Republican Representative Matt Gress joined the Democrats, but one more vote was needed.
(Production: Liliana Salgado) - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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