- Title: USA: Superpowers Missile Treaty Signing
- Date: 8th December 1987
- Summary: US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, watched by their wives, signed an historic treaty in Washington DC on December 8 abolishing medium-range missiles in Europe. The Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty was to destroy some 3,800 warheads on land-based missiles sited mainly in Europe. US officials said it could be as many as three years before the INF treaty comes into full effect.WARNING:LOCAL MUSIC LICENCES MAY APPLY.Copyright laws covering the composition, arrangement and/or performance of music differ from country to country, and even from state to state within some countries. These range from limiting the law to specific circumstances - e.g. 'performances given by professionals to a paying audience' - to total coverage that encompasses everything from a professional performance to the most amateur rendition - e.g. 'spectators at sports events'. If in doubt we recommend that either the section containing 'Music' is deleted or that the sound level is turned down and covered with commentary.
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- Reuters ID: LDL0011LD94NB
- Aspect Ratio: 4:3
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