Israel-Jerusalem: Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov Arrives In Tel-Aviv For Two-Day Official Visit
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Israel-Jerusalem: Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov Arrives In Tel-Aviv For Two-Day Official Visit
- Title: Israel-Jerusalem: Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov Arrives In Tel-Aviv For Two-Day Official Visit
- Date: 22nd April 1999
- Summary: Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov began a Middle East tour on April 22 with a visit to Israel, where the prospect of closer ties with Moscow has become a hot issue ahead of next month's general election. Ivanov was welcomed by Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon, who whisked him away for a helicopter tour of the West Bank and so-called security areas, which the former general believes Israel must keep in any final peace deal with the Palestinians. Sharon has spearheaded an apparent drive by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to foster closer ties with Russia. Ivanov told Sharon that his visit would help develop relations between the two countries in amore active way. Ivanov meet separately with Ehud Barak of the opposition Labour party.
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- Reuters ID: LDL0012AYEXS7
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