SOUTH AFRICA: The musical, 1906 Freedom Fighter - Bhambata, celebrates the centenary commemoration of Bhambatha ka Mancinza and the 1906 uprising.
Record ID:
SOUTH AFRICA: The musical, 1906 Freedom Fighter - Bhambata, celebrates the centenary commemoration of Bhambatha ka Mancinza and the 1906 uprising.
- Title: SOUTH AFRICA: The musical, 1906 Freedom Fighter - Bhambata, celebrates the centenary commemoration of Bhambatha ka Mancinza and the 1906 uprising.
- Date: 6th December 2006
- Summary: PITERMARITZBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, (29/11/06), (REUTERS) VARIOUS OF BRITISH OFFICIAL ANNOUNCING POLL TAX LEVY FOR BLACKS ZULU WARRIORS REACTING IN ANGER BRITISH OFFICIAL CROWNING ZULU KING PRISONERS ARRESTED FOR POLL TAX VIOLENT PROTESTS EXECUTED ZULU WARRIORS PREPARING TO ENGAGE THE BRITISH TROOPS SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH) PLATWRIGHT AND ARTISTIC DIRECTOR MBONGENI NGEMA SAYING : " Well, I think it is important for us to understand where we came from even long before apartheid which is why this production takes us back to when colonisers and missionaries came to this country and what they told us to let go, our culture, our religion, our tradition and everything and forcefully so. They even tried for us to forget our languages. So, it takes us back to that time. So, I always believe that in order to know where you want to go to. you need to go back first and know who you are." MINE WORKERS STRIP NAKED TO BE SEARCHED MINE WORKERS GOING DOWN THE SHAFT MINE WORKERS WORKING UNDERGROUND SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH) WHITE ACTRESS DONA ROBERTS SAYING : " We can only learn from the mistakes of the past. I mean, it has been going on for a hundred years now, struggle for equality and all of that, and we still going on like this in our country and around the world but hopefully by bringing something educational to people, just learning from mistakes i just feel it is so important, I cannot stress that point enough." SINGING AND DANCING WITH AUDIENCE APPLAUDING
- Embargoed: 21st December 2006 12:00
- Keywords:
- Location: South Africa
- Country: South Africa
- Topics: Arts / Culture / Entertainment / Showbiz
- Story Text: Written and directed by internationally renowned playwright and artistic director Mbongeni Ngema, the musical, 1906 Freedom Fighter - Bhambata, celebrates the centenary commemoration of Bhambatha ka Mancinza and the 1906 uprising.
In the State of the Nation Address early this year, the State President, Honourable Mr. Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki announced that among others South Africa shall this year celebrate the Centenary Commemoration of the 1906 Poll Tax Uprising. This uprising against the Poll Tax imposed by the British colonial government was led by Inkosi Bhambatha ka Mancinza of the Zondi clan.
The uprising known as The Bhambatha Rebellion, or better known to the Zulu nation as Impi Yamakhanda, was initiated by the newly converted Zulu Christians - Amakholwa - and thereafter Amakhosi took over the leadership of the campaign. Twelve Zulu Christians were massacred by a firing squad of the colonial forces after being found guilty by a martial court. Being led by Amakhosi, the great Zulu Warriors set up a secret camp at Inkandla Forest upon the grave of the great King Cetshwayo. This site was used as a strong-hold for the freedom fighters. This is where guerilla warfare was invented by Bhambatha Zondi, Sigananda Shezi and Chakijana Sithole. The freedom fighters later moved to the difficult terrain of Mome gorge. This is where the final battle was fought and lost.
What followed was a great, brave and historic campaign that would provide a case study later when the liberation movement opted for the armed struggle. Some Amakhosi that participated in this uprising were already heroes of the unforgettable battle of Isandlwana, where the British suffered their worst defeat in their entire colonial history.
After this uprising, the liberation struggle took on a new form as South Africans launched the first ever political organization in the African continent, the African Native Congress, later to become the African National Congress (ANC). This was led by Dr. John Langalibalele Dube and Pixley ka Seme, who consulted with the reigning Zulu King Dinuzulu.
The musical is an educational and entertaining work of art. - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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