CHINA: Plans to launch aircraft carrier speeded up say sources sparking international and regional concerns
Record ID:
CHINA: Plans to launch aircraft carrier speeded up say sources sparking international and regional concerns
- Title: CHINA: Plans to launch aircraft carrier speeded up say sources sparking international and regional concerns
- Date: 24th December 2010
- Summary: TAIPEI, TAIWAN (DECEMBER 22, 2010) (REUTERS) CARS DRIVING ON ROAD TAIWANESE LEGISLATOR AND PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AT NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY TING SHOU-CHUNG READING MAGAZINE TING 'S FACE PICTURE OF UNITED STATES PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA IN MAGAZINE (SOUNDBITE) (Mandarin) LEGISLATOR AND PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AT NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY TING SHOU-CHUNG SAYING "If mainland China has an aircraft carrier, its blue-water battle capability and its power projection capability will increase greatly. This will have a great impact on both international and regional stability." TING READING MAGAZINE (SOUNDBITE) (Mandarin) LEGISLATOR AND PROFESSOR OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AT NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY TING SHOU-CHUNG SAYING "Other countries, especially Western countries, Japan and the US, should change the way they deal with tense situations, such as those between North and South Korea, or potential conflicts, and not bring their aircraft carriers right onto China's doorstep for military exercises. Doing that will only further provoke China and speed up the development of its naval military and its determination to develop aircraft carriers, which could lead to a new arms race." BEIJING, CHINA (DECEMBER 23, 2010) (REUTERS) PEOPLE WAITING FOR BUS WOMAN LOOKING ON (SOUNDBITE) (Mandarin) 23-YEAR-OLD MEDIA INDUSTRY WORKER WU LITONG SAYING: "If you are weak militarily, you will be beaten and bullied. But if you have high-tech weapons in your hand, then perhaps the more aggressive countries can't touch you. In other words, once you're indestructible, others will respect you. So I think this is good for China." SALESMAN HU GUANG WALKING ON STREET (SOUNDBITE) (Mandarin) SALESMAN FROM BEIJING HU GUANG SAYING: "If the country is strong then we will feel more at ease. Now it seems disputes in the international community are worsening. Although it feels a long way from us common people, there's so much of it on the news, so we are all concerned about it."
- Embargoed: 8th January 2011 12:00
- Keywords:
- Location: China, China
- City:
- Country: China
- Topics: International Relations,Defence / Military
- Aspect Ratio:
- Story Text: China may be ready to launch its first aircraft carrier in 2011, Chinese military and political sources said on Thursday (December 23), a year ahead of U.S. military analysts' expectations.
Analysts expect China to use its first operational aircraft carrier to ensure the security of its oil supply route through the Indian Ocean and near the disputed Spratly Islands, but full capability is still some years away.
Sources with ties to the leadership told Reuters that the period around July 1 next year to celebrate the Chinese Communist Party's birthday could be a window for the launch, however the carrier programme remains a closely guarded secret. The Defence Ministry declined to comment.
The possible launch next year of the ex-Soviet aircraft carrier 'Varyag' for training, and testing technology, will be one step towards building an operating aircraft carrier group, analysts said.
The U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence estimates the Varyag will be launched as a training platform by 2012, and China will have an operational domestically built carrier after 2015.
China, which would be the third Asian country to have a carrier after India and Thailand, needs hardware, software and pilot training.
The 300-metre (1,000-foot) Varyag is undergoing refit at a state-run shipyard in northeastern city Dalian, sources said.
A Chinese firm bought the then-engineless Varyag from Ukraine in 1998 for $20 million, planning to convert it to a floating casino in Macau, but the Chinese military then bought the vessel.
Chinese air force pilots have yet to master takeoffs and landings from carriers. They have been undergoing training, but have far fewer flying hours than their U.S. peers.
Chinese President Hu Jintao (pron: hoo chin-taow) is seeking to end his legacy with the launch of the aircraft before he retires as Party Chief in 2012 after two five-year terms. Under his presidency, China overtook Germany and Japan to become the world's second-largest economy. China also put a man in space in 2003 and hosted the Olympics in 2008.
However, the United States and China's neighbours are nervous about how China would use its growing naval capabilities. China has refused to rule out the use of force to unify with Taiwan, a self-ruled island Beijing still claims sovereignty over although tensions between the two sides have eased in recent years.
"If mainland China has an aircraft carrier, its blue-water battle capability and its power projection capability will increase greatly. This will have a great impact on both international and regional stability", said Ting Shou-Chung, Taiwanese legislator and Professor of Political Science at National Taiwan University.
International tensions have heightened in the recent weeks when the United States' aircraft carrier USS George Washington came a little too close for China's comfort as it participated in joint military exercises with both South Korea and Japan.
"Other countries, especially Western countries, Japan and the U.S., should change the way they deal with tense situations, such as those between North and South Korea, or potential conflicts, and not bring their aircraft carriers right onto China's doorstep for military exercises. Doing that will only further provoke China and speed up the development of its naval military and its determination to develop aircraft carriers, which could lead to a new arms race," Ting said.
On the streets of Beijing on Thursday (December 23), residents said they supported China's bid to launch its own aircraft carrier.
"If you are weak militarily, you will be beaten and bullied. But if you have high-tech weapons in your hand, then perhaps the more aggressive countries can't touch you. In other words, once you're indestructible, others will respect you. So I think this is good for China," said 23 year-old media industry worker Wu Litong (pron: woo lee-tong).
"If the country is strong then we will feel more at ease. Now it seems disputes in the international community are worsening. Although it feels a long way from us common people, there's so much of it on the news, so we are all concerned about it," said salesman Hu Guang (pron: hoo gwang).
In March, China announced a 7.5 percent increase in its 2010 military budget to about $78.6 billion. But Washington suspects Chinese spending to be double that figure.
China is seeking to buy ship-borne Su-33 jets from Russia and is working on a variant of its own J-10.
The Varyag will be based in the southern province of Hainan. - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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