Designers create commemorative beer bottles and postage stamps for Taiwan presidential inauguration.
Record ID:
Designers create commemorative beer bottles and postage stamps for Taiwan presidential inauguration.
- Title: Designers create commemorative beer bottles and postage stamps for Taiwan presidential inauguration.
- Date: 10th May 2016
- Summary: VARIOUS OF AARON NIEH WALKING TO TABLE AND LOOKING AT SET OF COMMEMORATIVE STAMPS (SOUNDBITE) (Mandarin) DESIGNER, AARON NIEH, SAYING: "One main reason is that pixels are put together one by one. Actually the heads of government, the result that we chose is actually also comprised of many voting tickets, the voting tickets in the hands of everyone. So to commemorate the inauguration of that result, we don't just want to celebrate the two (heads of government), we want to celebrate the result, we want to celebrate all the people of Taiwan." AARON NIEH AND HIS COLLEAGUES WORKING AT DESKS
- Embargoed: 25th May 2016 11:24
- Keywords: Tsai Ing-wen Taiwan Beer inauguartion president
- Location: TAIPEI, TAIWAN
- Country: Taiwan
- Topics: Living/Lifestyle,Society/Social Issues
- Reuters ID: LVA0034H84XTX
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text:To commemorate Tsai Ing-wen's inauguration as Taiwan's new president, a special edition of Taiwan Beer bottles hit the shelves on Monday (May 9).
The designs, made by Aaron Nieh Workshop based in Taipei, break with the tradition of using photographs of the new president and vice president in front of the national flag and government buildings that previous governments have relied on. In it, the faces of Tsai Ing-wen and her future vice president Chen Chien-jen are made up of coloured squares reminiscent of 8-bit video games popular in the 1980s.
For Even Chen drinking from the bottles he designed with his colleagues was a special experience.
"(The beer) with that packaging design was at first intended to only be sold at big supermarkets. But to make it more available to the broader public it will also be distributed to convenience stores. When drinking the beer, because alcohol (products) are not something we normally design, so when we drinking the beer that we designed ourselves there is a special sense of accomplishment," he said.
The limited edition beer hit convenient store shelves on Monday morning (May 9).
"I just discovered, just saw that the beer already started selling. I think the packaging is very creative and stylish. I also think it's quite commemorative. Because today I have plans to eat together with friends, I want to bring it back home so we can have some fun," said Lin Wan-lin.
According to local media, the beer bottles sold out within two hours of being introduced. Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corp. limited the number of bottles to 720,000 for this round of distribution but is planning to rerelease the same amount of bottles on May 16.
Aaron Nieh, who has previously worked on the designs for Tsai Ing-wen's presidential campaign, explains the design pays tribute to the future president as well as the voters.
"One main reason is that pixels are put together one by one. Actually the heads of government, the result that we chose is actually also comprised of many voting tickets, the voting tickets in the hands of everyone. So to commemorate the inauguration of that result, we don't just want to celebrate the two (heads of government), we want to celebrate the result, we want to celebrate all the people of Taiwan," he said.
Along with the beer bottles released by Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corp., Taiwan's Chunghua Post is to release a set of commemorative stamps, also designed by Aaron Nieh Workshop, on the day of Tsai's inauguration on May 20. - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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