- Title: Chilean health care workers march to demand retirement bonus
- Date: 18th April 2024
- Summary: SANTIAGO, CHILE (APRIL 18, 2024) (REUTERS) PROTESTERS PLAYING DRUMS VARIOUS OF PROTESTERS MARCHING, WAVING CHILEAN FLAGS AND HOLDING BANNERS (SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) PROTESTER, SONIA NAVEA, SAYING: “We are marching for the retirement bonus. We want President (Gabriel) Boric to listen to us and that no more people die waiting for the bonus. There are people who have waited for three years and some have died on the way.” VARIOUS OF PROTESTERS HOLDING SIGNS (SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) PROTESTER, MANUEL UME, SAYING: “(We protest) for the retirement bonus and legislation for workers and users – these are our big demands. Here the local administration has stolen money, didn’t pay workers and left them in bad conditions.” VARIOUS OF PROTESTERS WAVING CHILEAN FLAGS AND BLOWING VUVUZELAS
- Embargoed: 2nd May 2024 20:41
- Keywords: Chile Gabriel Boric Government Health Care Protest Retirement
- Country: Chile
- Topics: South America / Central America,Government/Politics
- Reuters ID: LVA001627718042024RP1
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text: On the second day of a national strike, Chilean healthcare public workers marched on Thursday (April 18) to the Ministry of Health to bring a list of unsatisfied demands to the government.
The national confederation of public health care workers Confusam called for a national strike on April 17 and 18 to demand a bonus to complement the voluntary retirement pension that protesters said has been dragged on for years.
Confusam said 92% of its members seconded the strike.
A government official said on Wednesday (April 17) the available bonuses would scale up from 2023 to 2025 though they would keep in talks with the guild.
(Production: Jorge Vega, Anna Portella) - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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