- Date: 19th November 1971
- Summary: 1. GV & SV EXT. Education Ministry (2 shots) 0.08 2. SV Senor de Aguilar welcomed 0.16 3. SV Picture of Houphouet-Boigny 0.21 4. SV Senor de Aguilar making speech (4 shots) 0.42 5. SV People applauding 0.46 6. SV Parcels of books 0.51 7. SV M. Hie Nea replying for Ivory Coast & people listening (3 shots) 1.07 8. SV People applauding 1.15 9. CU Picture on wall 1.23 10. SV Books presented to these present & toast being drunk (2 shots) 1.31 11. SV Party drinking toast 1.41 Initials SGM/1308 SGM/1300 Script is copyright Reuters Limited. All rights reserved
- Embargoed: 4th December 1971 12:00
- Keywords:
- Location: Abidjan, Ivory Coast
- Country: Ivory Coast
- Story Text: At the Education Ministry in Abidjan, the Spanish Ambassador to the Ivory Coast, Senor Teadomiros de Aguilar, presented a gift of books from the Spanish Government for use schools in the Ivory Coast.
The 112,000 books, in the Spanish language, are valued at 3.5 million CFA france (over five thousand sterling) and are intended for use in primary and secondary schools in the Ivory Coast.
Senor de Aguilar is resident in Dakar, Senegal.
SYNOPSIS: The Ivory coast Ministry of National Education has received a gift of 112-thousand books from the Spanish Government. The books were presented by Senor Teodomiros de Aguilar, the Spanish Ambassador to the Ivory Coast, who is resident at Dakar.
The Ambassador said he was aware of the interest Ivorians and especially the young, took in the Spanish language. They realised the importance of a language spoken by 200 million people in five continents. The Spanish tongue was a cultural vehicle of inestimable value, he said.
The books are valued at 3 1/2 million CFA francs.
M. Jules His Nea, a technical advisor at the Ministry of Education, thanked the Spanish Ambassador on behalf of National Education, President Felix Houphouet-Boigny.
Officials of the Ministry of National Education then had their first chance to inspect the books, which contain selected passages from Spanish literature. They drank a toast to the successful use of the books in Ivorian primary and secondary schools.
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