- Date: 11th January 1974
- Summary: 1. GV People outside new library building 0.08 2. SV President arrives 0.15 3. SV Guests seated 0.16 4. SV President shakes hands with M. Chevrier of Canada 0.21 5. SV Guests applaud 0.22 6. SCU President shakes hands with officials 0.34 7. SV Guests applaud as President unveils plaque (2 shots) 0.47 8. SV Pan from books and magazines to guests inspecting shelves 0.56 9. SV Pan books and guests 1.03 10. SV Ivory Coast stamps on display 1.05 11. SV President and guests looking at stamps 1.09 12. SV Pan Mme ??? labohoust showing ??? President 1.15 Initials SC/030 SC/051 Script is copyright Reuters Limited. All rights reserved
- Embargoed: 26th January 1974 12:00
- Keywords:
- Country: Ivory Coast
- Story Text: Ivory Coast's national collection of books are now available to the country's readers at the new national library which was officially opened by President Felix Houphouet-Boigny on Wednesday (9 January). The new buildings in the capital, Abidjan, can hold up to 300,000 volumes, twenty times the number on display at the opening. It also offers facilities for 280 readers at any one time.
Canadian Government money financed almost two-thirds of the cost, with the Ivory Coast providing the remainder. The total cost was 750 million CFA frances.
Seven librarians, 12 assistants and several others are employed by the new library under the director, Mme. Liquez Laubhouet. After the opening ceremony, she showed President Houphouet-Boigny over the building, which also houses a 250 seat conference room, as well as film and record libraries. A former Canadian Minister, M. Lionel Chevrier, also attended the opening as the Canadian government's representative.
- Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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