PAKISTAN: A Pakistani family calls for an investigation following the death of an elderly woman who they say was killed in a U.S. drone attack on north Waziristan
Record ID:
PAKISTAN: A Pakistani family calls for an investigation following the death of an elderly woman who they say was killed in a U.S. drone attack on north Waziristan
- Title: PAKISTAN: A Pakistani family calls for an investigation following the death of an elderly woman who they say was killed in a U.S. drone attack on north Waziristan
- Date: 5th November 2012
- Summary: FAMILY RESTING IN HOTEL ROOM GIRLS WITH BANDAGED ARMS GIRL WITH BANDAGED ARM BANDAGE BOY IN BED POINTING TO OTHER BOY WHO IS LYING WITH BANDAGED LEG RAFIQ UR REHMAN, WHO SAYS HIS MOTHER WAS KILLED IN A U.S DRONE ATTACK, SITTING WITH DAUGHTERS AND NEPHEWS (SOUNDBITE) (Urdu) RAFIQ UR REHMAN, WHO SAYS HIS MOTHER WAS KILLED IN A U.S DRONE ATTACK, SAYING: "God willing, we will demand justice from the world. We will go to every court whether it is in America, Britain or Pakistan. Can these small children, school-going children, who were struck by a missile, can they be terrorists? And my mother who was martyred, was an elderly woman, could she be a terrorist?" REHMAN SHOWING MOTHER'S NATIONAL IDENTITY CARD REHMAN'S FACE YOUNG GIRL (SOUNDBITE) (Urdu) RAFIQ UR REHMAN, WHO SAYS HIS MOTHER WAS KILLED IN A U.S DRONE ATTACK, SAYING: "We appeal to the whole world to thoroughly investigate this incident so that any such occurrences do not take place with other people in the future, and that no innocent women and children are killed again."
- Embargoed: 20th November 2012 12:00
- Keywords:
- Location: Pakistan
- Country: Pakistan
- Topics: War / Fighting,International Relations
- Story Text: A Pakistani family alleged that a United States drone strike on October 24 killed an elderly woman in the village of Tappi Khun Khel, in north Waziristan.
They claim the drone fired missiles at a mud brick compound near the Afghan border, killing the woman and wounding six of her grandchildren.
The family rested in a hotel room in Peshawar on Saturday (November 3) and several young girls appeared to be nursing bandaged arms.
The deceased woman's son called for a full inquiry into the attack.
"We appeal to the whole world to thoroughly investigate this incident so that any such occurrences do not take place with other people in the future, and that no innocent women and children are killed again," said Rafiq Ur Rehman.
The elderly woman's grandson said she was working in the field and told Reuters he heard a loud bang and rushed outside.
"We found her lying in a ditch. My uncle tried to pick her up but could not do so because she was broken into pieces. She was in a very bad shape," said Kaleem Ullah.
U.S military authorities in Afghanistan declined to comment on the incident.
There were few media reports to reinforce the family's allegation of a drone attack in north Waziristan on October 24.
Drone attacks are highly controversial in Pakistan, where there is anger over civilian casualties and what is perceived as a violation of Pakistani sovereignty.
But U.S. officials say that Pakistan does not control the militant-held territory where the drones strike. The United States considers drones a key weapon in the war against al Qaida and Taliban insurgents. - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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