- Title: King Tutankhamen's tomb is officially opened
- Date: 5th March 1923
- Summary: SLATE INFORMATION: Lord Carnarvon EGYPT: Luxor: EXT MAIN TITLE (4ft) GV Lord Carnarvon talking to Mr. Carter. (15ft) LV Crowds (40ft) TITLE: LEAVING THE TOMB. (41ft) LV (HIGH ANGLE) Dignitaries leaving tomb. (67ft) LV Crowds (92ft) LV PAN (HIGH ANGLE) (3 shots) Crowds around entrance of tomb. (132ft) TITLE: THE ENTRANCE TO THE TOMB. (133ft) GV PAN ENTRANCE (155ft) LV PAN (HIGH ANGLE) Dignitaries entering tomb. (179ft) LV PAN Scene around entrance of tomb (205ft) TITLE: BRINGING OUT THE TREASURES - Mr. CARTER FOLLOWING IN THE REAR. (206ft) GV Men carrying crates out of tomb. (227ft) Official Opening of the Tomb of Tutankhamen. archeology, dig, treasure, discovery, Henry George Alfred Marius Victor Francis Herbert, 6th Earl of Carnarvon, Howard Carter
- Embargoed: 20th March 1923 12:00
- Keywords:
- Location: EGYPT
- City:
- Country: Egypt
- Topics: History,Science / Technology
- Story Text: Men descend into Tutankhamen's Tomb while others wait outside during the official opening of the tomb at Luxor
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