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England: LV Queen enters room and shakes hands with Chinese people. CU Sign 'BUY TO HELP CHINA' SV Queen looking at statue holding catalogue in hand. CU Queen looking round and talking about statue. SV Queen looking at pictures. CU Picture of Cathedral (?) SV Queen looking around at pictures. CU Picture of two women. CU Queen looking at picture. SV Showing Chinese cabinets etc. in room. LV Queen and party looking at Chinese cabinets. CU Ornament in glass cabinet presented by Queen Mary. SV Queen looking at pictures on wall; CU Picture of two men lying on ground. CU Queen looking at something in glass cabinet and talking. CU Queen looking in cabinet and talking.
Embargoed:16th January 1943 13:00
Country:United Kingdom
Topics:International Relations,Royalty,Royalty
Story Text: England: QUEEN AT CHINESE EXHIBITION. Queen visits exhibition and inspects pictures and ornaments.