EGYPT: Fifth annual festival of religious songs is held at spectacular Citadel fort in Cairo
Record ID:
EGYPT: Fifth annual festival of religious songs is held at spectacular Citadel fort in Cairo
- Title: EGYPT: Fifth annual festival of religious songs is held at spectacular Citadel fort in Cairo
- Date: 13th August 2012
- Summary: (NIGHT SHOTS) CAIRO, EGYPT (RECENT) (REUTERS) THE CITADEL AND MUHAMMAD ALI MOSQUE ILLUMINATED FOR THE 'INTERNATIONAL SAMAA [HEARING] FESTIVAL FOR SPIRITUAL MUSIC AND CHANTING' CLOSE-UP ON DOME OF MUHAMMAD ALI MOSQUE ILLUMINATED CITADEL AND MOSQUE MINARET PERFORMERS STANDING AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE CITADEL CLOSE-UP OF PERFORMER WIDE SHOT OF PERFORMANCE VARIOUS OF MUSICAL TROUPES ON STAGE PERFORMING RELIGIOUS SONG MORE OF MUSICAL TROUPES PERFORMING RELIGIOUS SONG AUDIENCE WATCHING POSTER FOR FESTIVAL, WITH WORD 'HEARING' WRITTEN ON IT EGYPT'S CULTURE MINISTER, MOHAMED SABER ARAB, OBSERVING BRASS CRAFTSMAN IN CULTURAL HERITAGE AREA OF FESTIVAL (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) EGYPTIAN CULTURE MINSTER, MOHAMED SABER ARAB, SAYING: "What is being put on display now in the greatest place in Egypt, the Citadel, and the band that is performing today is a band that addresses all nationalities, all religions, all races, all ideas and all sects, where all people equally share love, peace, prosperity, future and beauty." PERFORMERS FROM ARABIAN GULF SINGING MEMBERS OF AUDIENCE FILMING PERFORMANCE WITH THEIR PHONES (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) RETIRED EGYPTIAN AMBASSADOR, ABDEL RAOUF ELRIDI, SAYING: "Egypt, regardless of any hardships or the regional or domestic circumstances, has a divine energy that enables it to stand on its feet and face the challenge, and respond to new ideas by continuing the path of change and to maintain hope." VARIOUS OF PERFORMANCE TURKISH PERFORMERS SINGING AUDIENCE MORE OF PERFORMANCE (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) DIRECTOR OF YUNUS EMRE TURKISH CULTURAL CENTER IN CAIRO, SULEIMAN SEZER, SAYING: "This festival is very important not only in Egypt but in the region as a whole, because this festival carries a message of peace and tolerance." VARIOUS OF WHIRLING DERVISHES PERFORMING ON CITADEL WALLS (SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) ORGANISER OF THE FESTIVAL, ENTESAAR ABDELFATTAH, SAYING: "At this moment, the nation is embodied in the individual, and the individual is embodied in the greater nation, and thus, all of them have met in this very humane moment which we felt and despite the different languages, the feeling was one." MEMBERS OF MUSICAL TROUPE PERFORMING VARIOUS OF AUDIENCE MEMBERS SEATED ON CITADEL WALLS MORE OF PERFORMANCE PERFORMERS ENDING SONG TO APPLAUSE MEMBERS OF AUDIENCE APPLAUDING ILLUMINATED CITADEL WALLS AND MUHAMMAD ALI MOSQUE
- Embargoed: 28th August 2012 13:00
- Keywords:
- Location: Egypt
- City:
- Country: Egypt
- Topics: Arts,Religion,Religion
- Aspect Ratio:
- Story Text: Nearly two dozen nations gathered at Cairo's spectacular Citadel fort last week for a performance of religious music that organisers say was intended to send a message of peace and tolerance at a time of rising strife in the region.
The fifth "Samaa [hearing] Festival for spiritual music and chanting" wrapped up on Thursday night (August 09) with performers from nations as diverse as Turkey, India and Egypt coming together to offer an audience of several thousand people a cocktail of holy songs woven together from myriad traditions.
The festival took place at a time of extraordinary political tension and economic hardship in Egypt, and was held the day after 16 Egyptian border guards were killed in an attack by militants on the border with Israel.
The event's organisers say that the festival would take place in memory of the deceased soldiers.
Egypt's culture minister, Mohamed Saber Arab, said that the collaboration of various faiths and musical traditions would signal a message of peace and reconciliation.
"What is being put on display now in the greatest place in Egypt, the Citadel, and the band that is performing today is a band that addresses all nationalities, all religions, all races, all ideas and all sects, where all people share equally love, peace, prosperity, the future and beauty," he said.
Twenty four bands from twenty nations took part in this year's concert, in which Turkey was the featured guest.
Amongst several highlights, the Sufi Turkish band Destar was particularly noted, as well as the Azerbaijani singer Mohra Asad Allah, and the Pakistani Band Farid Ayath.
One dignitary attending the event said that it was important that Egyptians lean on their spiritual strength through challenging times.
"Egypt, regardless of any hardships or the regional or domestic circumstances, has a divine energy that enables it to stand on its feet and face the challenge and respond to new ideas by continuing the path of change and to maintain hope," said retired Egyptian Ambassador, Abdel Raouf ElRidi.
The festival featured an extraordinary mix of musical traditions, with Southeast Asian Koranic Adhan easily combining with a Christian Church choir.
"This festival is very important not only in Egypt but in the region as a whole, because this festival carries a message of peace and tolerance," said Suleiman Sezer, Director of Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Center in Cairo.
As the festival wound down, the audience gazed up to the walls of the Citadel where a performance of whirling dervishes brought the evening to a close.
Festival organiser Entersaar Abdel-Fattah said that the evening had brought the audience together in a unique way.
"At his moment, the nation is embodied in the individual, and the individual is embodied in the greater nation, and thus, all of them have met in this very humane moment which we felt and despite the different languages, the feeling was one," he said.
As the holy month of Ramadan draws to a close, Sama festival organisers are hoping that this uplifting event has once again succeeded in promoting a tradition of diversity and religious tolerance at a time of exceptional turmoil and conflict. - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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