WW2-ANNIVERSARY/VE-FRANCE HOLLANDE COMMENTS Kerry presence at VE day ceremony "mark of friendship" towards France, Hollande says
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WW2-ANNIVERSARY/VE-FRANCE HOLLANDE COMMENTS Kerry presence at VE day ceremony "mark of friendship" towards France, Hollande says
- Title: WW2-ANNIVERSARY/VE-FRANCE HOLLANDE COMMENTS Kerry presence at VE day ceremony "mark of friendship" towards France, Hollande says
- Date: 8th May 2015
- Summary: PARIS, FRANCE (MAY 8, 2015) (AGENCY POOL) GRANDDAUGHTER OF CHARLES DE GAULLE, LAURENCE DE GAULLE, STANDING WITH CEREMONY ATTENDEES (SOUNDBITE) (English) GRANDDAUGHTER OF CHARLES DE GAULLE, LAURENCE DE GAULLE, SAYING: "This year it's the 70th anniversary so it's a moment when we take a step back to remember what the world went through and how Europe suffered - an extended Europe right up to the Ural mountains - and it's really a moment when we should reflect on what man can endure because of ideals that serve causes that are not noble." (SOUNDBITE) (English) GRANDSON OF CHARLES DE GAULLE, YVES DE GAULLE, SAYING: "This type of event compels us not to forget. Tragedies occur a lot faster than we think, it's a lot simpler than we think. We need to pay attention to what this represents and stay alert. Contrary to what we think, it's not always the most likely events that actually take place. Sometimes, it's the most unlikely. France's defeat in 1940 was considered highly unlikely… but it occurred." FRENCH FLAG UNDER ARC DE TRIOMPHE
- Embargoed: 23rd May 2015 13:00
- Keywords:
- Location: France
- Country: France
- Topics: General
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Story Text: French President Francois Hollande said on Friday (May 8) the participation of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry at France's VE day ceremony was a "mark of friendship" between the two countries.
Kerry and later Hollande laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the foot of the Arc de Triomphe to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the allied victory over Nazi Germany.
"If there is a victory, it is one for all the allies and the Americans played a big role and it was a mark of friendship that John Kerry, on behalf of President Obama, made to us by being present for this ceremony," Hollande said after the ceremony.
He said a ceremony like this helped to unify the country in the wake of attacks in Paris earlier this year by Islamist gunmen.
"There are those who want to divide us, those who want to oppose us, those who want to break the national unity and my responsibility -- and a ceremony like this one could contribute to it -- is to unify, it's to say what we have in common and not only what is singular or particular," Hollande said.
Also attending the commemoration were the grandchildren of late French General Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French during the Second World War and president of the provisional government after the war ended.
"This year it's the 70th anniversary so it's a moment when we take a step back to remember what the world went through and how Europe suffered - an extended Europe right up to the Ural mountains - and it's really a moment when we should reflect on what man can endure because of ideals that serve causes that are not noble," said his granddaugter Laurence de Gaulle.
"This type of event compels us not to forget. Tragedies occur a lot faster than we think, it's a lot simpler than we think. We need to pay attention to what this represents and stay alert," said his grandson Yves de Gaulle.
Hollande also laid a wreath at the foot of a statue of de Gaulle on the Champs Elysees. - Copyright Holder: POOL (CAN SELL)
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