- Title: USA: U.S. works to secure border amid child immigrant crisis
- Date: 24th June 2014
- Summary: WASHINGTON, D.C., UNITED STATES (JUNE 24, 2014) (UNRESTRICTED POOL) 1, WIDE SHOT OF HOUSE COMMITTEEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY (SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. CONGRESSMAN, MIKE ROGERS OF ALABAMA SAYING: "What are we doing other than taking them and putting them in a facility here that's going to make it more likely that we are going to keep them here for months, if not years? Tell me what were doing to get them returned home? (SOUNDBITE) (ENGLISH) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY, JEH JOHNSON SAYING: "We're creating additional detention space for adult who bring their children, and I want to consider every option for stemming this tide, Sir. The law requires, the law that was create in 2008. requires that we turn these kids over- if their unaccompanied- to the Department of Health and Human Services within 72 hours, generally. So that's what we do, but their turned over with a notice to appear that is effectively a deportation proceeding that has been commenced against them. But, the law requires that I return them over to HHS." WIDE SHOT OF AUDIENCE (SOUNDBITE) (ENGLISH) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY, JEH JOHNSON SAYING: "We are talking about large numbers of children, without their parents, who have arrived at our border - hungry, thirsty, exhausted, scared and vulnerable. How we treat the children, in particular, is a reflection of our laws and our values," WIDE SHOT OF THE HEARING UNION
- Embargoed: 9th July 2014 13:00
- Keywords:
- Location: Mexico
- Country: Mexico
- Topics: Crime,International Relations,Politics
- Story Text: Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told Congress on Tuesday (June 24) the United States is working hard to deal with the flood of undocumented children, mostly from Central America, crossing into the United States. These efforts include sending more troops, increasing space for detention centers, and working with the governments of the neighboring countries.
"We are creating additional detention space for adult who bring their children, and I want to consider every option for stemming this tide." Johnson said in his testimony.
One hundred and fifteen experienced agents have been sent from less active areas to the Rio Grande Valley, and a further 150 may join them, based on a review of operations there last week, Johnson said in testimony prepared for a congressional hearing on Tuesday.
In the fiscal year through September 2013, U.S. agents picked up more than 24,000 unaccompanied children at the southern border.
From October to mid-June this year, that number more than doubled to over 52,000, and U.S. authorities have been grappling with how best to deal with the crisis.
"We are talking about large numbers of children, without their parents, who have arrived at our border - hungry, thirsty, exhausted, scared and vulnerable. How we treat the children, in particular, is a reflection of our laws and our values," Johnson said. - Copyright Holder: POOL (CAN SELL)
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