GERMANY: A two-day old baby elephant greets its fans for the first time at the Cologne Zoo
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GERMANY: A two-day old baby elephant greets its fans for the first time at the Cologne Zoo
- Title: GERMANY: A two-day old baby elephant greets its fans for the first time at the Cologne Zoo
- Date: 21st April 2007
- Summary: (SOUNDBITE) (German) THEO PAGEL, DIRECTOR OF COLOGNE ZOO SAYING: "We knew that the baby was nearly ready to come. We had her hormone levels tested and the levels had been relatively low over the past few days but still hadn't fallen bellow the threshold. The birth must have taken place between nine p.m. on Sunday evening and seven a.m. on Monday morning because we were delighted to find the baby here at seven a.m."
- Embargoed: 6th May 2007 13:00
- Keywords:
- Location: Germany
- Country: Germany
- Topics: Environment / Natural World,Light / Amusing / Unusual / Quirky
- Story Text: A baby elephant born at the beginning of the week made its first public appearance on Tuesday (April 17). The latest addition to the Cologne Zoo has yet to be named, and zoo bosses have decided to leave that decision up to the people of Cologne. It's not just people at Berlin Zoo who are celebrating the birth of new offspring. The latest addition to Cologne Zoo, a baby elephant, was born at the beginning of the week and presented to the public for the firs time on Tuesday (April 17).
Zoo director, Theo Pagel, told Reuters TV that zoo staff weren't sure exactly when the little one was born, "The birth must have taken place between nine p.m. on Sunday evening and seven a.m. on Monday morning because we were delighted to find the baby here at seven a.m."
After a pregnancy lasting nearly twenty four months proud mother Tong Koon gave birth to the little male elephant, who weighed in at 100 kilograms. He is yet to be named, and zoo bosses have decided to let the people of Cologne make the important decision as part of a public campaign. A few suggestions have been made, such as Konrad, after the first German Chancellor, or Benedikt because he was born on the Pope's birthday. The personal favourite of the zoo's boss Theo Pagel is 'Malang'.
The zoo decided to close the elephant enclosure on Monday to give the animals some peace and time to get to know the newborn. But despite the peace and quiet, the little elephant hasn't had it all that easy. At just a few hours old he fell into the water tank by mistake and had to be saved by his mother and aunts.
Theo Pagel said he has been pleasantly surprised by the reaction of the whole herd. "They have adopted the baby and despite the fact that he has its own mother beside him, the aunts all lend a hand. It's really lovely to see the aunts spend time with all of the baby elephants born in the herd," he said.
The baby elephant made his first public appearance at the zoo on Tuesday lunchtime, alongside his mothers and aunts. Apart from being a little wobbly on his feet he seemed to cope well with all the attention from onlookers and journalists.
But for one year old elephant Marlar, who celebrated her birthday in Cologne Zoo just two weeks ago, the new baby in the family means big changes are ahead. Theo Pagel said Marlar would need time to get used to the baby being around. "Marlar is a bit confused by the fact that her aunt's are spending more time with the new baby than with her. But it's just a question of time. And we're already looking forward to the time when the new baby is old enough play with Marlar."
Like with the baby polar bear, Knut, who has become the star attraction at Berlin Zoo, bosses in Cologne are expecting large numbers of visitors coming to see the baby elephant over the next few weeks. - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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