FRANCE: Paparazzi await Jolie's birth in Nice while stone-throwing guards protect Jolie-Pitt chateau entrance
Record ID:
FRANCE: Paparazzi await Jolie's birth in Nice while stone-throwing guards protect Jolie-Pitt chateau entrance
- Title: FRANCE: Paparazzi await Jolie's birth in Nice while stone-throwing guards protect Jolie-Pitt chateau entrance
- Date: 16th July 2008
- Embargoed: 31st July 2008 13:00
- Keywords:
- Location: France
- Country: France
- Topics: Entertainment,Light / Amusing / Unusual / Quirky
- Reuters ID: LVA4835UZ9OYWO85D18THQTVN9KF
- Story Text: Residents and paparazzi in Nice anxiously await the arrival of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's twin girls as stone-wielding guards keep security tight at their Chateau in Correns.
One week after the Lenval Hospital confirmed Angelina Jolie would grace Nice with the birth of twins, media and residents anxiously awaited any word of the event.
On the beaches of Nice, life goes on as normal with holiday-goers enjoying sun and surf; but within a three block radius of the hospital, Jolie and her unborn twins are the only awaited show in town. Journalists and paparazzi swarm around the hospital waiting for news and hoping to catch a glimpse of her superstar husband Brad Pitt.
In the absence of any news from the hospital, which has put a blackout on any news until after the birth, residents and paparazzi fill their days with rumours and speculation.
Talk ranges from Jolie having already given birth last week to not delivering until late August.
"From what I am hearing here, people say she will deliver at the end of July," says Vivian Marias, a former hospital employee who opened a cafe across the street.
Marias' cafe has become ground zero for journalist and paparazzi.
"The hospital care and the expertise of the doctors make Lenval the best hospital, especially in pediatrics," added Marias explaining why she thought the Hollywood couple chose Lenval.
In nearby Correns, where the Hollywood couple are leasing a chateau, Pitt and Jolie's new neighbours worry about the impact the superstar couple will have on their village. Known for its beautiful views and quiet retreats, Correns is now competing with Riviera towns such as Monaco and St. Tropez for paparazzi presence.
"I think they came to Correns for the tranquility. But, unfortunately, I don't think they will find it now that they live here,"
said Nicolas Laveux, the bartender at the only cafe in the village.
At the gates to the chateau itself, stone-wielding guards keep security extremely tight. Anyone one pulling to the side of the road is immediately told to vacate the area. If the warning isn't heeded, threats of arrest follow quickly. The guards throw stones and curse loudly in French at anyone getting too close.
Last week Jolie's doctor Michelle Sussman said the Hollywood actress was doing well and would remain at the hospital until she gives birth "in the weeks to come". - Copyright Holder: FILE REUTERS (CAN SELL)
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