- Title: UNITED KINGDOM: Business tips from the Wacky Barber
- Date: 13th September 2009
- Summary: LONDON, ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM (SEPTEMBER 2, 2009) (REUTERS) ANDREW KUIPERS, OWNER OF THE WACKY BARBER SHOP THE WACKY BARBER SHOP FRONT WITH VARIOUS PLASTIC BODY PARTS HANGING IN THE WINDOW (SOUNDBITE) (English) ANDREW KUIPERS, OWNER, THE WACKY BARBER SHOP, SAYING "We're in the middle of the financial and legal services area and swathes of people have been made redundant. People are outsourcing departments. We have a law firm around the corner that their accounting department was outsourced, 40 people lost their jobs - 10 of them were our customers." PEOPLE WALKING PAST THE SHOP WINDOW (SOUNDBITE) (English) ANDREW KUIPERS, OWNER, THE WACKY BARBER SHOP, SAYING "We've certainly seen redundancies affect us but the nature of the city is people are going to move on. Buildings move, offices move so we constantly try to bring new customers in by all the marketing that we do." KUIPERS CUTTING CUSTOMER'S HAIR CUSTOMER WALKING PAST SHOP, KUIPERS SPEAKING THROUGH MEGA PHONE VARIOUS OF PRICE LIST IN SHOP WINDOW (SOUNDBITE) (English) ANDREW KUIPERS, OWNER, THE WACKY BARBER SHOP, SAYING "I have flyers that are folded that actually look like a ten pound note which we've made significant changes to stay out of trouble but at the same time people pick them up. I'm trying to adhere to the marketing principle; attention, interest, desire, action. Grab their attention, create some interest, create desire which hopefully will lead to some action." VARIOUS FAKE TEN POUND NOTE FLYER MAN GETTING OUT OF CAR OUTSIDE WACKY BARBER SHOP FAKE TEN POUND NOTE FLYER ON PAVEMENT OUTSIDE WACKY BARBER SHOP MAN PICKING UP FLYER VARIOUS OF WACKY BARBER WINDOW DISPLAY (SOUNDBITE) (English) ANDREW KUIPERS, OWNER, THE WACKY BARBER SHOP, SAYING "You can't take any customer for granted, none. You know if we get one new customer and that adds ex amount to the bottom line every year. You lose a customer and you're losing that, so do everything that you can to keep customers. Win their business when they come in for the first time and foster loyalty amongst them when they are customers." LORRY DRIVE LOOKING ACROSS AT THE WACKY BARBER'S WINDOW DISPLAY KUIPERS SPEAKING THROUGH HIS LOUD SPEAKER SAYING "COME AND GET YOUR HAIR CUT, WE WILL NOT CUT YOU INAPPROPRIATELY, WE WILL ONLY CUT YOUR HAIR, PROMISE." VARIOUS OF KUIPERS CUTTING CHRISTIAN MALNIG'S HAIR
- Embargoed: 28th September 2009 13:00
- Keywords:
- Location: United Kingdom
- Country: United Kingdom
- Topics: Light / Amusing / Unusual / Quirky
- Story Text: Andrew Kuipers has come up with a number of wacky ideas to attract customers and make sure they keep coming back.
The aptly named 'Wacky Barber' shop is located in the heart of London's City surrounded by financial and legal service companies.
Andrew started his business two years ago just as the recession hit and hundreds of people were losing their jobs.
"We're in the middle of the financial and legal services area and swathes of people have been made redundant. People are outsourcing departments; we have a law firm around the corner that their accounting department was outsourced, 40 people lost their jobs - 10 of them were our customers. So we certainly have seen redundancies affect us." he said.
Instead of throwing in the towel Andrew decided to adopt cut throat tactics to keep his head above water. He's decided to offer far more than a just a hair cut.
"First I have flyers that are folded that actually look like a ten pound note, which we've made significant changes to (to) stay out of trouble, but at the same time people pick them up and there's humour. So I'm trying to adhere to the marketing principle of 'grab their attention and create some interest'. Create desire, which hopefully will lead to some action! You can't take any customer for granted. You know, do everything you can to keep customers, win their business when they come in for the first time and foster loyalty when they are customers." he added.
Christian Malnig owns the Austrian delicatessen down the road. He says, in today's economic climate, its essential for businesses to stay a cut above the competition. "It makes one stop and look at the window and you know they do a very good job and it makes you come back. But it's very important to stand out from the crowd." said Malnig.
Andrew has had specially adapted cutting capes made which serve a dual purpose.
He was born in the UK but grew up in America where customer service is highly valued. "I certainly get a lot of comments about my American sense of customer service because I'm passionate about it, and I'm just gob-smacked that companies don't pick up on that." he said.
Andrew's so confident his customers will be happy he gives them three darts - not to throw at him but to try and win a free hair cut.
All they have to do is get a bulls-eye. - Copyright Holder: REUTERS
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